MDKIG Committees
Committee Chairs are appointed by the Intergroup Chair – if you are interested, let the acting Chair know. Terms begin at the end of the January meeting. There are no abstinence requirements in the bylaws to chair a committee. Some Committee Chair positions may require special skills or experience.
You do not need to be abstinent or have specific experience to be work on a committee – just a willingness to serve! Working on a committee is a great way to become involved in recovery and get to know other OA members.
- Audit Committee: audits our financial books
- Budget Committee: (Treasurer is Chair) develops proposed annual budget
- Convention Committee: plans and coordinates the annual MDKIG OA convention
- Group Outreach Committee: reminds voting members about MDKIG meetings, welcomes newcomers, and explains how MDKIG works new voting members.
- Helpline Committee: make sure update information is on our hotline.
- Publications: needs a Chair and Vice Chair, compiles, prints and delivers the newsletter to MDKIG meeting; maintains and updates the website; the Chair teaches the Vice Chair how to do this so they can rotate into service.
- Public Information Committee: makes public aware of OA through the media, participation in health fairs, and other means and also brings the message to healthcare professionals, hospitals, military and other institutions.
- Registration Committee: (chair by the Vice Chair) maintains up to date meeting lists and contacts.
- Special Events Committee: plans and coordinates recovery workshops and special functions.
- Traveling Committee: takes meetings to shut-ins.
- Twelfth Step Within Committee: reaches out to members in relapse or not attending meetings.
- Unity Within Diversity Committee: builds inclusiveness for minorities and others; this is not a standing committee at the moment (does not vote).
- Ways and Means Committee: responsible for fundraising activities.
- Young People’s Committee: organizes meetings and activities for young people.